Social intrapreneurship

Turn your employees into INTRApreneurs for impact.

What is social intrapreneurship?

The tide is shifting: Last year, the number of corporate pledges for climate neutrality and inclusivity has doubled. Now, companies will be held accountable for their ability to act on these commitments.

What if you could mobilize your company’s key asset to accelerate your sustainability objectives? What if your employees became the driving force behind your company’s transformation?

Social INTRApreneurs are employees that act in an entrepreneurial way to create new products, services, or processes that create positive social or environmental impact. For example, Jayanth Bhuvaraghan at Essilor has created EyeMitra, providing eye care to millions of people living in rural poverty. Through this initiative, the company has addressed a massive social issue, tapped into an entirely new customer base and excited its employees and customers about its commitment to impact.

How we support your social intrapreneurs.

We build support programs for social intrapreneurs that act as “accelerator programmes” for your coworkers. These programs are designed to churn out new business solutions, validate them rapidly and connect your employees to the impact ecosystem. We provide these programs as a service – which means that we focus on implementation while you can reap the benefits.

We have run multiple programs, including our flagship programme, the Unusual Pioneers. It is implemented in partnership with the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a sister organization of the World Economic Forum, and over a dozen leading sector organizations. We bring in over 100 mentors to support social intrapreneurs at 15 companies from across the world – such as Unilever, AXA or Novartis.

Playbooks for intrapreneur programmes

All our programs build on our research about program implementation, distilling the best practices from leading programs around the world into 9 stages of programme-development.

Read more about intrapreneurship programs in our research report.

Amet Deleniti Laboriosam

Social Intrapreneurship

Est delectus et tenetur. Explicabo sit unde temporibus aperiam minima aliquam rerum. Assumenda est cupidi

Want to start your social-intrapreneurship journey?