Case Study: Green Bio Energy

Supporting a clean energy social business fight poverty, deforestation, and climate change.

Green Bio Energy produces and distributes environmentally friendly briquettes, made from recycled bio material, to low income families in Uganda. Compared to traditional charcoal briquettes, Green Bio Energy’s solution reduces indoor air pollution and CO2 emission while tackling deforestation for charcoal production.

Collaboration is key

Firewood and charcoal are the main sources of cooking fuel for the poor in Kampala, Uganda. These fuels are expensive, their fumes and soot are toxic, and producing charcoal leads to widespread deforestation. Poor families use a significant part of their daily income on fuel.

Yunus Social Business partnered with Green Bio Energy in 2015. to support the development of a new line of carbon briquettes and to scale-up stove production capacity.

The journey

Yunus Social Business provided finance and capacity building training to scale their briquettes production to 60 tons per month over the past 6 years. Yunus Social Business also provided training on financial management, marketing and inventory management.

Green Bio Energy was also connected with local stakeholders and Yunus Social Business's network of impact investing organizations,  enabling them to secure further funding. In the last 5 years, the social business has been able to reach more than 560,000  customers across Uganda.

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